Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.
Matthew 28:19-20

How you can be involved

February 26th - March 2nd
East KY Cleaning Supplies Drive

Now through March 2nd we’ll be collecting cleaning supplies for those effected by the  flooding in Eastern Kentucky. We are partnering with the Pike Association of Southern Baptist.  
Cleaning supplies include mops, brooms, buckets, shovels, and more can be dropped off in the Missions Center 

East KY Service Project

We’re working with the Pike Association of Southern Baptist to assess areas and people with  needs in Eastern Kentucky. Once we assess these needs, we will have an opportunity for a team  to sign up and go serve as the hands and feet of Christ to those in need in Pikeville, KY. More  information to come soon. To stay up to date follow the website, app, and FBC Facebook page.

Project for Sunrise Boys Home

We appreciate the ministry of Sunrise to provide teenage boys with safe, godly shelter. Sunrise  believes “every child deserves a home”. Sunrise Children's Services in Bronston provides  healing to families and children in need through foster care, adoption, and community based services. We have the chance at FBC to partner with them by updating their  facilities and ministering to the workers and boys being helped. More information on when and what we will be doing is to come.  

June 1st - 30th
Can Drive 

God’s Food Pantry in Somerset Kentucky provides quality food items to households  experiencing food insecurity. This program supplies critical nutrition to the hungry in our  community. We’ll be collecting canned goods through the month of June to feed many in need.  

Sinking Creek Cemetery Clean up

We’ll work together as a church to clean up the Sinking Creek Cemetery on Church Street this  summer. Date to be determined.

School Supplies Drive

We are looking to partner with and supply school supplies for the students in our community in need. Date to be determined.  

Meal for First Responders

We greatly appreciate the service of our First responders. In September we are looking to feed and bless the first responders in our community. 

Operation Christmas Child

We have the chance to continue to bless kids in need around the world with Christmas boxes through the great ministry of Operation Christmas Child. Packing dates to be determined. 

Meals for local Rehabs

There are multiple opportunities to feed individuals in our community who are seeking rehab and  freedom from addiction. These individuals often don’t have the chance to return home for a  thanksgiving meal with family. We as the church get to step in and make this time of year special  for these individuals by providing a meal, word of encouragement, and prayer.  

Angel Tree Gifts for Students

There are many students locally who live in homes with limited finances. We as the church get to  make a special, enjoyable Christmas possible for these students by supplying and wrapping gifts  to open on Christmas morning.