
May 20, 2019    Dr. French Harmon

From the Pastor...

I am so blessed to be a pastor! I have been part of great congregations all of my life. I’ve never been angry at the Lord’s church. I am so excited to see First Baptist Church reaching new levels of growth right now!! Come join us.

Through the years, I have watched and listened to angry leaders that have attacked the local church as an institution, proselytize the membership and then present man-made doctrines that are a shadow of Christian teaching. These practices will eventually lead to their spiritual demise.

Many times these leaders will start a new church or campus—formed mainly out of anger from a previous congregational experience. Most of these gatherings will fade by the second or third generations. Many will close their doors in just a few years. Unfortunately, followers will experience division, hurt and bewilderment. Churches that aren’t birthed biblically usually have bitter endings. Charismatic leaders often build organizations around themselves and don’t include “the church.”

New is not always true—in doctrine, evangelism or ecclesiastically.

Recommendation: Stay true and loyal to Christ and His church. Join a biblically-based local church that is tempered with sound doctrine and that has been tested over time. Plant yourself and your family under God’s authority. Then serve and grow in Christ and His love.
