Be Faithful to Church
I realize “going to church doesn’t save you” but I think skipping the Lord’s day worship services does reflect your spiritual temperature. The Bible says to “not forsake the assembling” of God’s family in worship. I have heard pastors say that unless “you are providentially hindered” then a person should be regular in attendance at church. I agree with that thought.
I was a member of a civic club in my first pastorate. I enjoyed the gathering each week and the variety of service projects. When I joined, the committee gave me the requirements and one was that three consecutive unpreventable absences would cost me my membership. That club wasn’t judgmental but recognized the importance of involvement for both parties. How much more the church!
Obviously, this is one of my most challenging issues. We do have services every Sunday. Why aren’t you faithful? You need the church and the church needs YOU. The body isn’t complete unless you are taking your part. The church is God’s blessing to the world. I think being faithful in attending and supporting the church is a must for a Christian.